Dating at kenyon college

Dating > Dating at kenyon college

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Dating Scene Hall-cest Freshman year. Without further ado, the two of you end up in either your room or his room a few feet from each other. One thing to know before coming to Collefe is that especially during freshman year, chances are you will be tempted to hook up with someone living on your hall. Of course there can be consequences to hooking datung with someone on your hall, such as the uncomfortable hello when walking back to your room in a towel from the bathroom …every single night. But then again, a real romance can ensue. For example, I know of at least a few couples who have been dating ever since first hooking up freshman year while living on the same hall. So whether your hall-cest partner ends up being your life-long partner or simply your awkward drunken hook-up that you are forced to see at the most inopportune times, hall-cest is simply a part of social life at Kenyon. The Kenyon married kids stay together for years if they break up at all. There are also a lot of casual hook-ups that go on, which may involve hooking up only when drunk, hooking up for a short period of time, hooking up while hooking up with other people, etc. It all sounds confusing but everyone gets to experience parts of it. Date Spots Because Kenyon is so small, you have to get creative when it comes to date spots. Then again, you could always forget about creativity datihg go the simple route, taking your significant other to one of the few restaurants on campus and making up for lack of originality in some other way later. While the restaurants on campus are perfectly sufficient for a date, the lucky students in possession of a car have the collete of taking their significant other off-campus. Some popular spots include Bombay, an Indian restaurant, and Alcove, an Italian restaurant. Besides food, other date ideas include walks perfect at Kenyon because of the gorgeous campusgoing to the movies off-campusor colpege something as simple as getting ice cream at the bookstore. Chances are you will be caught in a love triangle at some point while at Kenyon. Because the school is so small 1600 peoplehooking up with someone who is good friends with someone that you have previously hooked up with can be hard to avoid. Whether it will be a casual hook up or something more serious, the best advice is to use good judgment and dating at kenyon college careful, as it could lead to people talking, even if you had no bad intentions. Think of it this way — the people you are in one with may have been in one with others as well. So while this is sort of accepted at Kenyon, be smart about it. Then again, dating at kenyon college may just put you in that position that you decided was not a good idea.

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